Document Type : Original Article


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 Tarbiat Modares University.

3 Tarbiat Modares University..


Universities and second language educational institutions have witnessed the use of film broadcasting technology in an effort to achieve the educational benefits and advantages that the research agreed on its effectiveness and impact in strengthening the language skills of students. Based on this, most departments of Arabic language and literature in Iranian universities have initiated the use of film broadcasting technology when teaching language skills. However, it has not yielded the desired benefits in providing graduates with sufficient skills in understanding, comprehending and speaking. This necessitated a search for the reasons that led to the poor level of students in Arabic language and literature branch, despite having passed six units of study in the language lab lesson, in which films are broadcast for teaching listening and speaking skills. To search for the problems in the use of this technique, this study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, as it prepared a list of standards and specifications consisting of 51 values, which were prepared on the basis of previous scientific models with the aim of evaluating the educational situation in the sample universities through the questionnaire mechanism that was distributed to 180 male and female students at Allama Tabatabai Universities, Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, and Al-Zahra universities. According to the results of the questionnaires and field observations made by the researchers, the study identified defects and problems in the educational process, including the difficulty of the content of the selected films, the failure to include films within the educational framework, and the teachers’ failure to implement pre-teaching procedures, during and after teaching.


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