Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic, Shahid Mahallati higher education center, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of TEFL, Shahid Mahallati higher education center, Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University.


Research findings showed that Arabic, in comparison with some famous universal languages, has more intricacies in phonology, semantics, pragmatics and discourse. Also, a good bulk of studies have shown that learners of Arabic as a foreign language suffer from some problems in language skills which cannot be identified or treated through traditional teaching approaches. Since dynamic assessment is proved to be a successful approach in education, the current research is an attempt to use this theoretical foundation to recognize competence errors in beginning level of Arabic and compare its effect with other standard approaches. A mixed method design was used in this study. To do so, a class of elementary students was selected through convenient sampling method. In qualitative phase, the participants were exposed to formative-interactionist dynamic assessment and their classes were audio-recoded.  Then content analyses were conducted and competence errors and mediatory moves were extracted. In quantitative phase, using an intervention and post-test design, the participants were assigned to two experimental and one control groups who were exposed to local, standard and non-mediation respectively. Then, they participated in a teacher developed speaking test from Sady al-Hayat book series. Data were analyzed through one way analysis of variance in SPSS (Version 21).  Research findings showed that the approach adopted in this research is effective in identifying competence errors and develops learners’ speaking abilities significantly.  


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