Document Type : Original Article
1 df
2 Master in the Tarbiat Modares University
3 Assistant Professor at the University of Tarbiat Teacher
4 Associate Professor at University of Tehran
Arabic language groups in Iran suffer from the lack of a framework to be used as a regular reference in the teaching process and student performance evaluation, especially in language skills. Writing skills are one of the most vital language production skills, which has doubled in importance in recent decades. Advanced writing is the last step in teaching writing at the undergraduate level. At this level, the student expected to be able to write correctly. Therefore, the importance of a common standard framework to facilitate the teaching process and evaluate students' performance in writing skills is more sensitive than other skills. This research seeks to provide a standardized framework for advanced writing. To achieve this goal, we used descriptive-analytical and quasi-experimental methods and selected two public universities (Tehran and Shahid Beheshti universities (, and conducted a test on undergraduate students majoring in Arabic language and literature. The results showed that the writing level of the two experimental groups was only 39%, which according to the initial citations of this study, this writing level is lower than the average level. This conclusion can be found by referring to the primitive criteria that the best approach to achieve a standard framework for evaluating advanced writing in the first step is to divide it into three dimensions include: formal, contextualist, and stylistic. Formal dimension include criteria such as logical sequence, correct spelling, correct use of punctuation, paragraphing, and grammatical rules; and the contextualist dimension includes the power of using words and combinations, setting thoughts and organizing according to certain criteria, the power of summarizing, critique and analytical ability; and the stylistic dimension include features such as proper description and narration, proper using of rhetorical virtues, choosing words and literary expressions skill, variety in using sentences and names, and using reasoning ability .
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