Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD student in Arabic language and literature, Shiraz University, Iran
2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Iran
3 Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University, Iran
4 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Iran
The present study examines the representation of gender in two series of Arabic language teaching textbooks, namely, “ العربية للعالم “ and “ العربية لغير ابنائها “ quantitatively using Lee’s framework and qualitatively using Fairclough’s framework. To this aim, all contents including texts, exercises, conversations and images were closely examined and gender representations were recorded by the researchers. Then, the data were quantitatively analyzed using frequencies and percentages. They were also qualitatively investigated. Findings indicated that gender is represented unevenly in these two series. Moreover, the presence of women and men in images was uneven too and men were represented in more active roles and more open environments compared to their female counterparts. In both series, family roles were also considered for both genders although the role of women as mothers and spouses was emphasized. In general, both series seem to have a stereotypical view towards the female gender and have failed to convey gender balance in a standard manner.
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