Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the Institute of Languages at the National Defense University, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Faculty, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Textbook is like a container that contains educational materials and is also one of the most important tools needed to achieve the goals of the educational curriculum. From this perspective, the authors should make every effort to write books in this field based on the scientific methods agreed upon by all experts. One of the methods of reviewing textbooks is using content analysis method. In this method, Teaching grammar: A text-based approach I is examined in terms of form and content to clarify its positive features and negative points so that the positive features are strengthened and the weaknesses are corrected or eliminated. In this regard, based on the researches and indicators compiled by the Council for the Study of Texts and Books of Humanities of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies and also using the opinions of expert professors, form and content indicators were set. The formal part of the book was examined in nine indicators and the content section was examined in five sections: title, list of topics, introduction, content and list of sources, and indicators were compiled for each of these sections. The results show that the aforementioned book is a new book in terms of its text-based approach to teaching the syntactic rules of Arabic language, but despite the great effort put into compiling this book, the book needs a comprehensive review in two formal sections. The book does not have a proper layout; it does not have Arabic punctuation, and it lacks modern techniques such as using tables.


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