Document Type : Original Article


Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, University Negeri Makassar, Indonesia.


This research serves three purposes: 1. To analyze the suitability of Arabic textbooks to be used by senior high school teachers in South Sulawesi, 2. To analyze the results of students and teachers’ questionnaires on Arabic textbooks used in senior high schools in South Sulawesi, and 3. To Analyze the suitability of textbooks from the perspectives of language experts, students, and teaching experts.The research method used was the evaluation research method. The main objective of this research was related to the suitability of textbooks to be used in Arabic language learning in SMA based on KTSP and K.13 curriculum in South Sulawesi. The methods of collecting the research data were interviews and questionnaires, although both of the instruments relied mostly on the correctness of oral reports. The results of this research indicated that: 1. In the implementation of KTSP, there were 16 research findings related to the use of Arabic textbooks in senior high schools in South Sulawesi. At the same time, in the implementation of K.13, there were 21 findings related to the use of Arabic textbooks in senior high schools in South Sulawesi. 2. The results of the questionnaire on teachers and students have been various in which 51.3% was in the category of very good, and 34% was in the category of good. Therefore, the strong side was 85.3%. In contrast, 5.3% was in the category of poor, and 9.3% was in the category of “other opinions”. Therefore, the weak side was 14.6%. From this research, it was also evident that there were 22 problems found related to the use of Arabic textbooks in SMA from the perspectives of Arabic experts, teachers, and students.


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