Document Type : Original Article
Assistant professor of Arabic language and literature, Mahallati Islamic Scences University, Iran.
Anxiety is a psychological construct that psychologists consider to be a state of ambiguous apprehension and fear that indirectly affects learning. Research has shown that the conversation between the student and the teacher is one of the main sources of anxiety, and since in the classroom, conversation is the axis of language interaction, learning anxiety is more prominent. For this purpose, different techniques have been presented around the world to reduce anxiety. Huertz et al. have designed a scale (anxiety measurement test) to measure learning anxiety. Therefore, in the present study, to operationalize this effect, a training class (32 people) of Arabic conversational learners was selected as available sampling, and after removing outliers, the learners were divided into three groups: the first group using the negative feedback method, the second group with the positive feedback method, and the third group with the cognitive variability feedback method were subjected to intervention. Then, by employing a quasi-experimental method of post-test intervention, the learners’ performance after the intervention was analyzed by SPSS software (version 21) and through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of this research showed that all three educational groups had educational growth in conversation and listening skills in the post-test stage. However, Tukey’s post-hoc test showed that the cognitive variability feedback method has a greater effect on reducing anxiety and increasing dialogue learning than the two positive and negative feedback methods. This significant difference in the scores obtained has been investigated and reported in detail.
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