Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Arabic syntax, as one of the key processes of learning Arabic, is always one of the most challenging courses, especially in non-Arabic-speaking countries. However, no doubt, modeling new educational approaches can somehow influence the effectiveness and efficiency of this course, and remove the shortcomings of the traditional approach. Therefore, this research is based on Vygotsky's theory of constructivism and deals with the lived experience of the student teachers of Arabic at Farhangian University of Hormozgan in a grammar course. According to the nature of the research, the phenomenological method and purposeful sampling were used, and with semi-structured interviews with 20 subjects, including 10 male students and 10 female students, the obtained data reached the saturation stage. To analyse the collected data and codings, thematic analysis was used, and the data was analysed using the Collaizi method. To validate the research findings and their validity and reliability, Guba and Lincoln’s criteria were used. Findings from the lived experience of student teachers regarding the educational and behavioural implications of flipped learning, in four main individual and personal themes, social, educational, and time environment skills and four sub-themes of desire to learn, creating a spirit of cooperation and empathy, deep and practical understanding of the syntax course, and optimal use of environment and time were summarised. The results indicate that the application of the reverse teaching approach, in addition to being a positive step towards improving the educational level of grammar, can also be effective and useful in the efficiency and effectiveness of students’ personal and social skills.


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