Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
2 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
3 Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods at the Faculty of Education, Benha University, Egypt
The purpose of current study is to examine the content of the findings of expressive writing studies conducted among Arabic language departments students at Iranian universities. In order to achieve this, the researchers examined a number of Iranian studies and researches that dealt with expressive writing among Iranian undergraduate students in Arabic language departments between 2008 to 2022, using the descriptive analytical research approach. The areas of agreement between the studies were found and verified by creating a cognitive map in order to determine the most prevalent and recurring causes for the phenomena of students' weakness in expressive writing skills. What the article concluded is that not taking into account the linguistic, grammatical, morphological and semantic aspects of words, errors in expressing masculine and feminine in writing, errors in writing the Hamza and identifying its types, and frequent errors when writing words that end with a long or connected T letter(taa”) are the most common and recurring reasons for the Iranian students' weakness in Arabic language departments at the undergraduate level in expressive writing skills. The most crucial expressive writing abilities that students should develop in order to overcome their weaknesses are dividing the subject into an engaging introduction that accurately and clearly presents the topic’s main ideas, considering the logical order and sequence in presenting ideas from general to specific, taking into account the linguistic aspect with its grammatical, morphological and semantic aspects of terms, taking into account certain spelling rules for Arabic letters, and employing vocabulary and structures correctly, and the necessity of mastering punctuation marks, masculinity and femininity, definition and indefiniteness.