Document Type : Original Article


1 Postdoctoral student in Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Iran.


Compliment is one of the practical speech acts, and how it is used plays an important role in the success or failure of communication with Arabic speakers. The use of compliments depends on factors that must be recognized, including the situation, speakers' position, and goals-factors that are relevant to pragmatic skills and cultural issues. This research chose the speech act of compliment for study, after extracting it from eight Arabic narrative texts and studying it according to the Dell Hymes’ SPEAKING model and the descriptive-analytical method. This research aims to identify how to use compliments in the Arabic language, and to reveal the importance of paying attention to pragmatic and cultural matters in successful communication with Arabic speakers. The results showed the coordination between the parts of Hymes’ model, where the nature of each part depends on the others. Using compliments in informal situations was higher than in formal situations. Most compliments occurred in equal and friendly situations. Nine purposes for using compliments were extracted, and the most-used was praise. The research revealed six tones that played an important role in communication. The tone of joy was used more than the others. Seven rules for compliment were also extracted, where positive features were more than the others. Furthermore, explicit compliments occurred more than implicit compliments. Five topics for compliments were extracted, where people's personalities and appearances occurred more frequently. There were seven linguistic styles for compliments, most of which were adjectives


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