Document Type : Original Article


1 yazd uni

2 Yazd university


Nowadays, it is of great importance for second language teachers to pay attention to the psychological needs of learners. That is to say, in order to succeed in teaching a second language, the instructor should not only have a sufficient knowledge of that language and skills in new teaching methods but also be fully familiar with the developmental characteristics and the psychological needs of learners. Through a descriptive-survey method, this study aims to investigate the problems of Arabic language learning for Persian language students by examining such factors as the degree of the students’ interest, ways of motivating them, grouping and team work of students, educational facilities and educational content. Then, certain solutions are provided to these problems. The participants consisted of 100 undergraduate students of Arabic language and literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Yazd University. The data were collected through an author-made questionnaire the reliability and validity of which was already tested. EXCEL software was used to analyze the data. The findings of the study showed that the students’ interest in Arabic is acceptable, but more attention should be paid to teamwork, motivation, and content preparation in accordance with the learner’s moods.


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